Two Sisters ~ Have Cameras, Will Travel
We are two sisters who share a love of photography. We dream of traveling together to numerous locations where we can photograph to our hearts' content. We live in different states, but the distance vanishes when we talk about photography and share with each other what we digitally capture.

February 4, 2011

Week 4: Robin's Egg Blue ~ Delores

Robin's Egg Blue is such a pretty color! For my submission to Project 64: Out of the Box, I have chosen the Blue Whale, a Route 66 Tourist attraction in Catoosa, Oklahoma.

Hugh Davis, former Director of the Tulsa Zoo, built the Blue Whale as an anniversary gift for his wife, Zelta, in 1972. Thanks to Hampton Hotel's Save-A-Landmark program for repainting the Blue Whale and cleaning the grounds! (Right click on the Hampton Hotel name for more information about Save-A-Landmark, but be sure and come back to our blog!)

I had so much fun taking photographs at the Blue Whale, I decided to make them into a movie. The music is Electric Blue (Sorry, I could not resist!) by Mannheim Steamroller. Click on the arrow to start the video. Double click on the arrow to make the video full screen size. If you go to full screen and the movie does not start, press the space bar on your keyboard one time and the movie will start. Then when you are through watching, press esc (upper left key on your keyboard).

Be sure and see my sister's beautiful photograph for this week! Her post will be right above mine.

To see all Project 64 Robin's Egg Blue submissions, visit the official blog Project 64: Out of the Box. (Right click on the name of the blog to open a new window for Week 4 submissions.)

To learn more about the Blue Whale, click here.

Another Crayon "Outside the box,"

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