Two Sisters ~ Have Cameras, Will Travel
We are two sisters who share a love of photography. We dream of traveling together to numerous locations where we can photograph to our hearts' content. We live in different states, but the distance vanishes when we talk about photography and share with each other what we digitally capture.

June 17, 2011

"New" ~ Angela

Well, my sister has introduced me to Faith's Simplicity blog and the fun photography challenges that are offered on it. I thought I would have some fun with it and enter this week's challenge - "NEW". My first entry on this blog is of my son's best friend's horses. This baby had just been born the night before I took this picture. I think he was probably only 6 - 8 hours old. Mom's name is "Bella" and had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen on a horse! Anyway, I'm excited about participating in the photography challenges and learning more about photography from Faith and all the participants!

1 comment:

DWA @ Studio Z said...

Awww! I love that! Talk about new ~ only a few hours old! Great job!