Two Sisters ~ Have Cameras, Will Travel
We are two sisters who share a love of photography. We dream of traveling together to numerous locations where we can photograph to our hearts' content. We live in different states, but the distance vanishes when we talk about photography and share with each other what we digitally capture.

June 17, 2011

"New" ~ Delores

Angela and I have decided to participate in Faith's Simplicity Photo Challenge (right click on the logo to the right or on the name of her challenge and open in a new window to see Faith's blog). This week's challenge is "NEW."

During this Spring season I think of new growth and new roses. I took this photograph at the Tulsa Garden Center. TGC spends countless hours planning and planting their rose gardens so visitors can enjoy a long season of beautiful roses.  As always, you can click on a photo to see a larger version.

Everyone is invited to participate in Faith's Weekly photography challenge. Click on the logo below to find out more.

To see other entries in this week's challenge, click here.

Here's to something NEW,