Two Sisters ~ Have Cameras, Will Travel
We are two sisters who share a love of photography. We dream of traveling together to numerous locations where we can photograph to our hearts' content. We live in different states, but the distance vanishes when we talk about photography and share with each other what we digitally capture.

April 17, 2011

Julia playing in a puddle

After a big rain earlier this week, we watched Julia drink from a puddle and then begin playing in it. I'm not sure if this was a way of taking a bath, but it looked more like she was playing and having fun to me.


DWA @ Studio Z said...

She looks like she is disco dancing in that bottom photo!! What a fantastic opportunity to observe this!!

Angela said...

LOL - I would have loved to had a video of it and set it to music.

DWA @ Studio Z said...

That would have been so fun to have a video and set it to music!